Diana Marcela Zapata Torres


LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN:   Salud Humana y Animal


PROGRAMA:  Ciencias del Deporte



Docente del programa de Ciencias del Deporte de la U.D.C.A; Fisioterapeuta Especialista en Ejercicio Físico para la salud, Magister en Fisioterapia del Deporte y la Actividad Física, Magister en Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo, estudiante de Doctorado en Educación Deportiva y Ciencias del Deporte, con experiencia en docencia universitaria, investigación en deporte formativo – actividad física y salud, experiencia como fisioterapeuta deportiva en juegos competitivos a nivel deportivo nacional; Obtuvo en el 2013 un beca de Investigación Actividad Física, Recreación y Deporte en el Proyecto de Jornada Escolar 40 horas ,Secretaria de Cultura Distrital Recreación y Deporte. Miembro del grupo de investigación Ciencias del Deporte y la Actividad Física.

Sus áreas de formación son: deporte formativo, evaluación condición física, evaluación composición corporal, actividad física y salud, prevención en lesiones deportivas. Sus líneas de actuación son: Ciencias del Deporte, Salud Ocupacional y Políticas de Salud y Servicios; se desempeña en las líneas de investigación en Actividad Física y Salud.

LINEAS DE TRABAJO:   Salud, Actividad física, Condición física, Deporte


Heart rate variability, salivary cortisol and competitive state anxiety responses during pre-competition and pre-training moments
Fecha de publicación: 01/02/2019

The study aimed to investigate physiological and psychological states prior to competition and prior to training in three different demanding activities. Eighteen canoe athletes, 18 street runners and 18 jiu-jitsu fighters were included in this study (n=54). The Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), salivary cortisol and heart rate variability (HRV) were measured at two time points (pre-training and pre-competition). Somatic anxiety (F1,42 = 15.29, p = 0.0003), HRV (F1,42 = 23.24, p < 0.0001) and salivary cortisol (F1,42 = 22.96, p < 0.0001) were significantly greater at the pre-competition measurement point than at the pre-training point, but without a main effect of the type of athlete on these variables. A main effect of the type of athlete was found on somatic anxiety (F2,42 = 6.58, p = 0.0033), cognitive anxiety (F2,42 = 10.69, p = 0.0002) and self-confidence (F2,42 = 5.42, p = 0.0080). Correlations between most CSAI-2 and physiological parameters were not significant (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results indicated that both emotional indices and psychophysiological indices of stress are higher before competition than before training, with differences between emotional states between these sports. Although correlations between emotional states and psycho-physiological states before competition and before training were largely non significant, these findings reinforce the importance of psychological monitoring of athletes in association with traditional physiological markers such as cortisol and HRV in sportive training programmes as complementary resources to improve both competition performance and the training routine.

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