Cruz Elena Enríquez Valencia


LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN:   Salud Humana y Animal y Sostenibilidad Ambiental


PROGRAMA:  Zootecnia



Zootecnista egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con Maestría en Ciencias Agropecuarias, línea producción Animal Tropical y Doctora en Genética y Mejoramiento Animal de la Universidad Estatal Paulista «Júlio de Mesquita Filho» (UNESP) de Brasil. Docente Investigadora Junior del grupo de investigación Ciencia Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias U.D.C.A. Docente de cursos en Genética, Sistemas de producción bovina, Investigación, Bioestadística y Diseño Experimental de los programas de Zootecnia, Medicina Veterinaria, Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia y Maestría en Ciencias Veterinarias. Investigadora en áreas de Genética Molecular Animal, Mejoramiento Animal y Conservación de recursos Zoogenéticos. Sus principales investigaciones se han desarrollado en la evaluación de proteínas y genes asociadas a características de calidad de la carne bovina.

LINEAS DE TRABAJO:   Genética Animal, Mejoramiento Animal, Biologia Molecular


Intramammary infusion of Weissella confusa affects somatic cell counts and milk differential leukocyte count
Fecha de publicación: 10/03/2015

The use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as an alternative to antimicrobial usage has been proposed for the control of bovine mastitis. However, before its application, the in vivo effects of the LAB on mammary gland must be carefully evaluated. The objective of this study was to determine whether the intramammary infusion of Weissella confusa and its metabolites in cows affects the somatic cell counts (SCCs) and milk differential leukocyte count. Twenty-four mammary quarters of six Hartón del Valle cows were selected for the investigation. A 5mL aliquot of an aqueous solution of W. confusa cells (W) (concentration of 109cfu mL-1), 5mL of W. confusa cells with its metabolites (W+W10b) or 5mL of metabolites (W10b) was randomly applied to three mammary quarters of each cow. The remaining teat on each udder represented the experimental control units (C). At 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13 and 15 days post-infusion (PI), the SCCs, pH, titrable acidity and milk differential leukocyte count were evaluated. The application of the three biological substances produced significant increases in SCCs, pH and polymorphonuclear neutrophil counts. No significant differences between W and W+W10b infusion were found. W10b resulted in a lesser alteration on the variables evaluated. The results suggest that the intramammary infusion of W. confusa and its metabolites affect the SCCs and milk differential leukocyte count in cows.

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