Roger Oswaldo Suárez Martínez


LÍNEAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN:   Salud Humana y Animal y Sostenibilidad Ambiental


PROGRAMA:  Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia



Médico Veterinario de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Especialista y Magíster en Acuicultura – Aguas Continentales del Instituto de Acuicultura de Los Llanos – Universidad de Los Llanos.  Experiencia docente de 13 años en las áreas de Fisiología Animal, Fisiología de Peces y Producción Acuícola. Interesado en investigaciones relacionadas con fisiología, anestesia, reproducción  de peces y crioconservación de gametos de peces.

LINEAS DE TRABAJO:   Acuicultura, Fisiología y Reproducción de peces


Accumulation of lead, chromium, and cadmium in muscle of capitán (Eremophilus mutisii), a catfish from the Bogota River basin
Fecha de publicación: 01/08/2009

Heavy metal accumulation of lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and cadmium (Cd) in the muscle of the catfish Eremophilus mutisii was studied in 47 specimens, captured by anglers in the Bogotá River at two sampling sites (Chocontá and Suesca) during May-October 2005. Water samples were processed for physicochemical and metal analyses. Metal accumulation in muscle (wet weight) of specimens at Chocontá and Suesca showed high levels of Pb (3.4 and 3.1 ppm, respectively), Cr (1.8 and 2.1 ppm, respectively), and Cd (0.35 and 0.48, respectively). Metal levels in waters (ppm) indicated that average Pb (0.028 Chocontá, 0.029 Suesca), Fe (0.462 Chocontá, 1.1 Suesca), and Cr (0.113 Chocontá) were above the maximum levels (MCLs) allowed in drinking waters. No extreme average values were found for pH, nitrites, alkalinity, and hardness in the waters. This study showed the importance of benthic and nonmigratory species like the capitán to evaluate the effects of heavy metals pollution. Further public health implications could be derived in the region where this investigation took place due to consumption of capitán by people in the area.

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